I pray this message finds you well and committed to keeping you and your loved ones healthy. As a community of faith, that is also one of our top priorities. Thus, we will continue to meet virtually even as our state completes its stay at home orders this Friday. I believe that the governor’s new order to “Stay Healthy, Return Smarter, Return Stronger” means that we will not open our doors for in-person gathering until such a time that those gatherings will not compromise our health as a community. We do not know until when that will be, but we will keep you updated and will be working on a plan for return in the meantime. The board is appointing a task group to research and develop a plan for reopening to include a protocol for staff, volunteers, hospitality guests, and gatherings. The group will take into account the guidance of our Regional and General church leadership as well as resources from the CDC, other churches, and our insurance company.  Again, we do not know when we will meet in-person, but we hope to be as prepared as possible when that time comes.

I encourage you to continue safe practices that we have learned during this time, including hand washing, not touching your face, wearing face masks and maintaining physical distance in public, and reducing your time in public spaces.
Although our connection will continue virtually, we keep strengthening our faith together. I look forward to this week in worship as we observe Mental Health Sunday and hear from members of the congregation. Later this month we will hold our first joint Pentecost Zoom worship with St. Michael’s Ecumenical Catholic Church.

