Many have noted that time during the pandemic seems to both pass quickly and creep by. Our daily routines altered, we adopted new patterns, and we easily lose track of the days. Someone in our Wednesday picnic noted a meme saying, “Is Tuesday a month?” Thinking about the time I have been at First Christian is a bit like this for me. Earlier this week I realized that February 1 marked the eighth anniversary of our family being with First Christian. Eight years of our partnership in ministry. Eight years that have flown by and been filled with memories.
Thinking on these past eight years fills me with gratitude. I am grateful for this community and every individual within it. I appreciate the generosity with which you care for one another and those in our community. I admire the way you have deep conversations that allow for a variety of viewpoints. I am strengthened by leadership willing to take risks and to imagine a different future. I give thanks to God for this congregation’s faith and openness to be challenged and grow. Thank you for the opportunity to walk with you!